Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Baking Bread and Basking at the Beach

Over the weekend Ruth had the opportunity to go to the beach with the ladies from church. The beach is in Samfya, about an hours drive from Mansa on the lake shore of Bangweulu. John and I had been there before on one of his sampling trips.

The ladies had a good time of fellowship, we went swimming, cooked lunch, and played games. The picture is of us playing one of the games (the team I was on won!). I keep forgetting about how strong the sun is here and after running in the sand, swimming, and being in the hot sun all day I was feeling ill in the evening. But, after a days rest I felt much better.

John and I now have a "pet"... it is our yeast-pet. We started our own yeast culture to be able to bake our own sour dough bread. It is working out well (better than we expected) and we are having fun experimenting with it. It is actually a lot easier than I anticipated. You basically just add flour and water and let it sit. John (shirtless once again) proudly displays our best baking to date!

1 comment:

  1. Your bread and pizza look delish!! I'm noticing that John is shirtless in a lot of these pictures... somethings will never change :) Miss you guys!
