Sunday, August 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home

We have made it, back to the USA. With only a few mishaps such as my car being in the shop, the airline loosing our water samples (but finding them again) and myself breaking 2 clay pots in the ATL airport (I am really good at breaking clay pots I have broken 4 in a two month time span). Being jars of clay has new meaning to me- fragile and temporary. Today we will begin our journey out to Colorado. The adventures continue!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Farmer's Day

Today is the Zambian holiday of Farmer's Day. We went to the 83rd National AG Show in Lusaka today. WOW! It is big and a bit overwhelming (hundreds of thousands of people there)! But, we had a good time walking around the exhibits, seeing produce, some chicks, quail, turkey, cows, goats and pigs. We are going to be in Lusaka for a bit and our Internet access/use will be greatly reduced, so we apologize for the inactivity and lack of pictures. We look forward to coming home to you guys soon!